Prostate Cancer
Past Events
A few weeks after finishing my last presidency I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I’d gone in for a routine bloodtest and as an afterthought asked my doctor to include a PSA test since my father had died of prostate cancer. My bloods were normal except for the PSA which at 7.2 was unusually high. A biopsy confirmed the presence of cancer. 10 years later my cancer remains uncured and incurable, despite two major operations, two extensive sequences of radiotherapy and regular debilitating injections. But it is progressing quite slowly and limited to two locations, one on my spine and one on my ribs. I’m due another sequence of radiotherapy shortly to try and slow down the metastasis on my ribs. And I’m not alone.
Over 40,000 men in Britain are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year and over 10,000 die of it. And death from prostate cancer can be very nasty indeed. Caught early enough it can be cured, but it many cases the cure leaves men with a greatly diminished quality of life. For those who cannot be cured there are ways of holding back the disease, often, as in my case, for many years, but every treatment comes at a cost in general physical and mental health.
We still need a much more reliable test to distinguish between those whose cancer will never be a problem to them and do not need treatment, those whose condition is serious but not immediately life-threatening, and those whose cancer is aggressive and needs everything but the kitchen sink thrown at it. Meanwhile some men are being treated unnecessarily and others are only finding out too late that they are seriously affected. And we need a reliable cure. Progress is being made but we urgently need more research.
During my presidential year I raised money for Prostate Cancer UK. This organisation funds research and helps to train specialist nurses to support those diagnosed with the disease. I walked the whole of the London Loop, all 150 miles of it, taking full advantage of my freedom pass and returning as far as possible to my bed each night. Other Rotarians joined me on some parts of the route but I did not lack for company as Archie, my border terrier, accompanied me every step of the way. Through generous sponsorship from friends and family I raised over £1,500.
Bob Bishop