Youth Makes Music
Past Events

Fran Maskell, organiser of Roding’s Youth Makes Music concert with Liz Curtis
Roding Rotary Club were delighted recently to present a cheque for £1075 to the Lily Foundation from funds raised at their Youth Makes Music concert in Chigwell School back in March featuring pupils from Chigwell School itself, Davenant School, the Stage Coach Academy, West Hatch School and Avon House.
The Lily Foundation was founded in 2007 by Liz Curtis in memory of her daughter Lily,who died from mitochondrial disease at 8 months old. Mitochondrial Disease occurs when our bodies aren’t able to provide the energy our cells need to work properly. It’s a metabolic disorder – simply put that means one of the processes by which your body makes, uses or disposes of certain materials is abnormal. Without the right amount of energy, our cells cannot do their job and they stop performing and start to die. It can be very serious and often fatal.
Liz Curtis has worked tirelessly for the Lily Foundation which today supports over 1200 families and is run by a small team of dedicated staff backed by a medical board drawn from the UK’s top centres for mitochondrial research. It forms a vital link between patients, doctors and medical science bodies and we were delighted to be able to support the Foundation in our own small way.